Plan miasta Caragh Bridge

Caragh Bridge - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Kiki Hamilton - Author: Best of YA Fiction 2010...more lists

In Sachar's expert hands, what is perhaps the unlikeliest subject for a YA novel?the game of bridge?becomes the basis for a moving and humorous story about the testy relationship between narrator Alton and his eccentric, blind great-uncle. .... A book that I really enjoyed from this year was BIRTHMARKED, by Caragh O'Brien. I was surprised it didn't get more attention. Highly recommend you add this dystopian read to your teetering tower. December 16, 2010 8:32 PM ...
źródło: BlogSearch - 25 new messages in 13 topics - digest

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źródło: BlogSearch

post 1 of 5:the liu-pomerantz visit

here?s laura doing her motherly duty of having everyone pose together for her obligatory vacation shot. and here?s jonnie and ken doing exactly what i take people to the bridge to do, taking in the majesty that is new york city. ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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